How long will greening last?

In Ireland, summer is taking its first tentative steps, little cold and wet are the prevailing characteristics of the climate. However, this year the transition from an indoor tonight or lifestyle dosing little more significant than usual.

               This year many people have started to focus more on their natural environment, both in their local area and around the planet. Many governments around the globe have strengthened their environmental policies and are increasing investment to tackle climate change.

               Many governments have focused on such ideas before when their economy is strong, only to fall back on bolstering GDP when economic growth again inevitably dwindles. Such is the way of boom and bust. As Governments around the world bolster plans to invest in renewable energy sources, electric vehicles and implement wildlife recovery plans this time feels different.

               The change now is being drive by social awareness, more people recognize the power of the environment to improve their quality of life, even when unexpected economic difficulties abound.

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